Is there anything better than a week stretching out ahead, to be filled with good and relaxing things? I think not!
On today's 'agenda', so to speak, is to do some tai chi and meditation in the morning, look through my seed catalogue in the afternoon, and then head to Edmonton's City Hall for an evening city council meeting about food security and land use planning.
I'm actually skipping my tai chi class tonight in order to go to the meeting, but this is a one-time opportunity I don't want to miss. Organizers are hoping for as many as 750 people to come to this, the last of three city council meetings on the topic. At the last meeting in November, amendments were passed that set the stage for the protection of farmland in Edmonton. The next step is to have the entire municipal development plan passed, so that there is a "city wide food and agricultural strategy" to which future city development must adhere.
It seems silly, doesn't it, to have to debate this, rather than have it be self-evident. It should be a no-brainer to have arable land protected and spared from "development." The word "development" itself implies that the land is just empty and useless, sitting there doing nothing, lacking any buildings or roads or other such "improvments." Anyway, I will take some notes and blog about what happened at the meeting tomorrow! Hopefully I will have good news!
Picture courtesy Edmonton's City Farm
It'll be interesting to hear what comes out of these meetings. Enjoy your WoW, Theresa.
Thank you Liz! So far so good :)
I wish I lived closer - I'd come to the meeting with one of my nicest hens in a carrying cage, and a t-shirt that says "Say yes to city chickens!" :)
Wanna borrow a chicken, Theresa? :D
I will take your chicken with me in spirit!
Yea for your week starting! Hope the meeting is a good one---but don't let it get you too riled up out of your wellness mindframe! (Although I sure hope it has a positive outcome!)
Good point SA - I don't want to get all riled up and lose my whole wellness mindset. It will be good practice in not having expectations for a certain outcome. I am just excited to be going to my first activist type event, live and in person. Just being part of a group of engaged citizens will be amazing! (Now if only I can get over my nerves about finding a parking spot downtown in the city!)
Wishing you a most wonderful week of wellness! And good luck at the food security meeting tonight.
Thanks Amber - it went really well!
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