My Week of Wellness is now just a week away, and thanks to Claire at I Love Alberta Beets, I have already made significant headway into my budgeting goal, freeing up even more time for tea and reading - yay!
I'm considering adding one more thing to my list of wellness-related activities for the week: attending a public meeting at City Hall on Edmonton's food and agriculture strategy. After all, ensuring that our valueable farmland doesn't all get paved over for suburban development is a matter of wellness for everyone!
February does sound better. My husband and I were just commenting today that although the wind is still plenty brisk, it does seem like it's warming up a bit. And with sugaring season only a few weeks away, spring is no doubt fast approaching! :)
Oooh, sugaring season! I imagine you have many sugar maples there then?
I actually was thinking the same about spring today. We had snow dust the ground a few mornings ago, and then have had beautiful sunny afternoons the last two days. Even though today was chilly I couldn't help but start noticing that spring is coming..... Even got me thinking of ways to maybe try to do some "gardening" even w/ dogs that tear everything up and a pesticide sprayed front flower bed....hanging baskets maybe?!!
SA - have you seen those hanging tomato baskets? I haven't tried them but my mom's neighbor swears by them. I've had good luck growing salad greens in containers as well. :)
My husband and I rent, so we don't personally. But my family in Maine does it and so does our good friends right up the road. So we have plenty of friends and family to sugar with all season. :)
Very cool! All I know about sugaring comes from the "Little House" books which I read long ago. I imagine there is more to it than pouring syrup on the snow?
Here in the south island of New Zealand, it's the opposite, so it is weird hearing you talking about spring on its way.
Already the nights are starting to get cooler, and the condensation is building on the car overnight. No sign of frost yet, but there's that early morning chill in the air that tells me our summer days are almost at an end.
Enjoy your warmer weather! I look forward to seeing spring photos from your side of the earth!
Hi daharja - the equivalent here would be the month of September, or thereabouts, and I like that transition time too. After the hot summers you get, I'm sure a little cooling is appreciated! I will definitely post some Spring pictures once things start to come alive again here, although that probably won't be until late April or early May...
We have new lambs here (surprise ones at that!) so spring is definitely on the way. I've also spent several sunny afternoons at the kitchen table making up my own, personalized garden journal. This might be something you find restful (or not, depends on your personality I think) - it felt soothingly familiar, like doing research projects (I spent 7 yrs in university, it's a familiar feeling), but there was no pressure, and I could design it any way I wanted!
I've been planning to blog about it, in case others wanted to try a similar thing ... hmm, maybe I'll go do that now!
Your week off sounds like a fabulous plan. :)
We must be on the same wavelength because I just started thinking about hanging basket gardening a few days ago. I just wrote a post on this and would love any suggestions.....
Hope you're well!
Yes, please do blog about it AJC - I would like to see that. I have just a dayplanner type thing I do for the garden, that I started doing last year. I would like to see a couple pics of the lambs too - there's just nothing that says spring like a fluffy lamb!
SA - I will pop over to your blog right now....
Hehe, yes, much more! Hours and hours more of just watching it boil! :)
Well...it is all worth it in the long run, I'm sure! Now I have visions of neighbors boiling tubs of syrup in large caldrons over bonfires while drinking ale or something...:)
Although there's no cauldrons (though THAT would be pretty rad) there's woodfired evaporators with friends and neighbors huddled around it keeping warm and there IS plenty of ale a-flowing!! :) It's the the great spring social event in backyards across the region. :)
Ahhh...sounds wonderful!
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