This bush was just covered in berries though, and I'd never noticed it before. I think that's because I never used to go over to this part of our property much, since all that was there was a brush pile. But now the Big Garden's over there, and I go there pretty much every day. The berries from the other bushes were enough to sprinkle on a dish of vanilla ice cream, but this
It is quite a nice feeling to go out to the yard and pick an assortment of edible things. Yesterday I scrabbled a few nice potatoes from under the potato plants, along with a few nice sized carrots, a large handful of beans, and a few cherry tomatoes. That, and a few more sage, yarrow and
It's amazing what the land will provide, when you give it a chance. I wonder what else is out there, that I haven't discovered yet.
How neat about your berries. And yum, you COULD make an excellent dinner - tea included with your grub.
I've never heard of that type of berry, are they similar to any of the more "common" berries?
Looks good! I agree, it's great to be able to wander out and pluck good edible stuff off the land. I spent some time with my extended family this weekend and came back to my little apartment with all sorts of good produce...yum!
Jennifer - sometimes saskatoon berries are called service berries. They're a lot like blueberries and I'm told were used in pemmican by the First Peoples. They are quite tasty!
Thanks SA - and while wandering around today watering some aspen saplings, I found four more bushes just like this one! Tomorrow my deep freeze gets set up, and I know the first thing that's going in it!
I too picked saskatoons this weekend. Mine are destined for muffins.
I've learned that getting early potatoes is called "tickling under the skirt".
I ended up making some saskatoon muffins too - they were quite good, but I may add some orange peel next time. What is your recipe, E?
Ah, so that's what I was doing with those potatoes ;)
Oooo, I miss those saskatoons from when I was a kid in Manitoba.
The saskatoons are as big as blueberries this year - it is quite amazing! I will be picking more this weekend before they all shrivel up in the heat....
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