Wednesday, 6 August 2008

CSA Bounty Week 8, and another short hiatus

This week was the most bountiful CSA delivery yet, with all you see in the picture, plus a bag of potatoes! There were tomatoes, leeks, onions, beets, chard, another type of green I have yet to identify, carrots, dill, celery and the aforementioned potatoes. And now we have the deep freeze set up, so I can make some things in larger batches and freeze them for winter. That is, after my next hiatus:

We're going to the Edmonton Folk Music Festival again this year - it starts tomorrow. It will be our fourth year of attendance and each year this festival renews my faith in humanity a little. Tens of thousands of people attend the festival over its 4 day duration, and there is virtually no garbage and no swearing. People are patient and cheerful. The music is fantastic. There are enough washrooms, the tills are solar powered, and there are public water fountains and sinks so people don't have to buy bottled water. The food is terrific - lots of organic and vegetarian things to pick from, from all different cultural backgrounds. Each year this Festival gives me hope that people can get along and work together, if they have a respect for themselves, each other and the environment we're part of.

I am doing fairly well with Chile's discretionary eating challenge -it hasn't been as difficult as I thought to just eat when I'm hungry and only eat 'til I'm not hungry anymore. We'll see how this newly developing habit holds out in the face of a multitude of green onion cakes and fresh squeezed lemonade at the Folk Fest!

While going to and from the Festival I'll also be trying to keep up with the Adapting In Place course I'm taking this month, taught/facilitated by Sharon at Casaubon's Book - I've learned a ton already and it's only Day 2! So posts will be sparse again for the next little while - August is turning out to be just as busy as July!


J said...

Have a great time.

And your CSA bounty looks fantastic - especially those carrots!

Anonymous said...

Green onion cakes. For some reason, that just sounds so good right now. Maybe I am just hungry.

Theresa said...

Thanks all! We came home a bit earlier tonight - it's been hot hot hot and we needed a bit of a break, plus the gardens and trees needed watering since it hasn't rained at all in a while. I have a cute new buttercup squash coming along and my bush beans are going crazy! The pumpkin leaves were looking a bit yellow, and so were some of the squash leaves - not sure if that means to much water or not enough, but I'm betting on the latter given the weather.

Cindy, the green onion cakes were delicious, and so were the vegetarian spring rolls and thai curry on rice...mmmmm....going back for more tomorrow..and some more music of course!