I wanted to see what could be done with just the stuff I had at home already, so I found two boxes that fit inside eachother, with at least one inch clearance all around. After lining both boxes with tinfoil (shiny side out) I stuffed the space with an assortment of packing material I've collected over the years -- packing peanuts, bubble wrap, sheets of foam, etc. I put black matte corrugated plastic at the bottom of the inner box and after putting my foil-wrapped potatoes into my thrift store black enamel roasting pan, I covered the whole thing with a clear plastic 'oven bag' (which I bought several months ago for this exact purpose). I threw this contraption together in about half an hour -which you can probably tell by looking at the picture! With some glee, I put it outside on the concrete driveway, under the blazing sun.
After about two hours in the sun, I wasn't hearing any sizzling or any other sounds of hotness, so I repositioned the cooker, propped it up at what seemed like a better angle to catch the now lowering sun. It wasn't getting any cooler so I decided I may as well stay outside myself and do some yardwork (the weeding is never ending!). After about two more hours, the sun was going behind the trees and so I figured I would check into the potato situation, seeing as it was now time for supper and I was planning on having baked potatoes after all.
Well, my potatoes were only half-baked. I'm sure that the main reasons for this is that my cooker contraption is slightly half baked as well! The instructions I was using as guidelines say that it helps a great deal if you have a steel plate in the bottom of the inner box, painted matte black. I didn't have a steel plate or any black paint at home though, so I skipped that part. I also didn't seal the plastic oven bag very well over top of the inner box, so I'm sure some heat escaped that wouldn't have otherwise. It would also have been better to have my box lids better angled to reflect the sun into the box. My box lids collected sun, but didn't really direct it inwards. An oven thermometre would also be useful, to see just how hot this thing is really getting.
Despite these shortcomings, I probably would have been able to fully bake those potatoes with another four hours of sunlight. It took me until the afternoon before I was motivated enough to even gather the materials together, so it was after 3 pm before I had the cooker outside. The best cooking sun would have been between 11 and 2.
There is still a lot of summer left though, so I will be trying this again once I get a metal plate of some kind and pick up some matte black paint. I will also keep my eye out for a bigger outer box, and one with a lid that can be cut into a reflector. I'm also seriously considering getting a proper Sun Oven, since I just love the idea of cooking with free energy!
I did get my supper of baked potatoes after all, although I did have to put them in the microwave for another two minutes or so. That's not so bad I guess, since it usually takes about 5 minutes for a potato to bake in the microwave.