Thursday 19 June 2008

Two neat things....

Two days ago we saw a porcupine in our back yard. It was meandering along the grass, and then waddled its way into the bush. We have named him/her Pokey. I wouldn't have expected to see a porcupine here, although they are supposedly quite common in this area. He sure was cute. (But apparently they can do a lot of damage to trees, I guess I will have to keep an eye out for this.)

Then today I threw something together for supper and I think I can actually call it a recipe! I had cooked up the rest of the CSA greens with butter and nutmeg again, and thought I would boil up some wild rice in my veggie soup stock. I did, and for some reason when I tasted it, my tongue decided that dried apricots, raisins, pecans, freshly grated ginger, some flax meal and some balsamic vinegar would go really well mixed in with it. My tongue was right! Fortunately I have enough left over that I can even have it for my lunch tomorrow at work. (There are no more greens left though - I gobbled those up again with a big silly grin on my face.) I guess now I can finally put a check mark in the "cook something" column of my Independence Days spreadsheet!


hmd said...

Yum! That looks and sounds delicious! Say hi to pokey for me - he sounds adorable!

Theresa said...

It was surprisingly good, I must say. That doesn't usually happen when I throw stuff together -it's edible, but usually not great.

Pokey was adorable! Sort of like a big, spiny, guinea pig.

Melissa said...

that sounds really good! I made something similar recently but with bulgur and some red cabbage simmered in cidar vinegar instead of balsamic, but the cidar taste was not quite right...I'll try the balsamic next time!

Theresa said... cabbage is my favorite...I like to season it with cloves and nutmeg...mmmmmmm