I also found a lovely ginger jar for only 4 dollars and some spice storage jars for a dollar each. We also got a set of three cordless phones for 20 dollars, which are a nice upgrade to the cordless phone we have now. And Gord got a soap dish, toothbrush holder and tumbler that he really liked - 6 bucks for the set. (I have the same set in red, which I know cost 30 dollars when I bought it new about 8-10 years ago!).
Gord got a book on world music, and also some vintage records (Bruce Cockburn, Maria Muldaur) which we are listening to right now, and I picked up a couple canning jars too. There were dozens of canning jars, in all sorts of sizes and some with lids, so I now know where to pick these up for the bargain price of 50 cents each! All in all, it was a very successful and satisfying foray into the world of thrift and frugality.
Tomorrow is our trip to Sparrow Organics CSA Farm, so I will bring my camera along and report back about that in the next couple of days! And I may have a thing or two to say after going to a Chuck Brodsky concert this weekend too! Did I mention how much I am enjoying my week off work?
Thanks theresa for reminder to visit local Valu-Village for more finds. I said to my wife yesterday that I'm overdue - need gardening items for small plot.
and thanks for your visit to Motorcycle Miles post yesterday; Chile sent adventure video link, it's worth a look. my walking trip will be very tame in comparison, through very flat rural area SW of London.
thoughts are forming re walking vs bicycling vs motorcycling vs car trips. how can I see more of Canada without the car? maybe more trips via video.
GAH/ceeb @ It Strikes Me Funny and Four Mugs
I will have to check out Chile's link - didn't do that yesterday. I would like to see more of Canada as well, and we've pretty much decided that our travel will be within Canada rather than outside of it, if we go anywhere at all!
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