Also, just a note to say that the posts here will be getting quite a bit more sparse for the next couple of weeks. We have company coming and several family commitments to attend to until the end of the month. When I get back up to speed I hope to have some posts about these letters I keep getting back from my elected representatives, as well as some more ponderings about water and soil, and eventually a little bit of Folk Fest Philosophy, when the time comes.
Be well everyone, and remember to slow down and enjoy the offerings of whatever season and climate you find yourself in!
As usual it looks delicious! Enjoy the time with family and put your feet up! A break away from the blog world can truly be good for the soul...
That CSA booty looks so yummy!
Enjoy your hiatus!
Enjoy the next few weeks with family and friends!
Thanks, all :) Now it's time to get back to scrubbing the bathroom - hooray for baking soda and vinegar!
"Slow down" is a great reminder for everone! How do we get so caught up in activities that we forget to enjoy life?
Strawberry season began and ended a bit too quickly for me...I wouldn't have minded it that season slowed down a bit.
Hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable time off.
Enjoy the break. And, of course, the bounty!
"One day I woke up and considered myself part of the planet instead of just living on the planet. Now what?"
"Now What?"
The same ole same ole, that's what.
Stay on groovin' safari,
Hello Tor, thanks for stopping by. When I had that realization, I knew it couldn't be the same ole same ole, though. Nothing was the same. But my goal is to have the new way I'm doing things become the same ole same ole...
Thanks GB - the bounty has been delicious as usual!
Beany - we're in the middle of strawberry season here - I hope to get to the u-pick up the road soon, now that things are starting to get back to normal around here. My hiatus was not a relaxing one at all, I hope to be out from under here pretty soon....
I wish I could've taken my own advice Cindy, but I new this 'annual event' would be anything but relaxing - it was nice to see people again, but a lot more busy, crowded, noisy and a LOT more consumption-focussed than I like.
I hope to have a post up in the next couple days, probably nothing more profound than a garden update though. Come to think of it, the garden is pretty profound!
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