Gord bought me this "starter" greenhouse last year, in the mid-summer I think. So I didn't set it up then, and of course it sat in its nondescript box over the winter and when Spring came around I completely forgot I had it! Then, a couple weeks ago I was at
WeeStock, (where my talented
sister had a table for her home-based notable business) and her friend was there, talking about all of the tomato plants she started from seed that were thriving in her mini-greenhouse. D'oh!
It took me another couple weeks, but I finally got it set up today and it fits perfectly on the porch, where it will catch the morning sun. It's probably too late to start tomatoes from seed, but I have put my two sturdy echinacea seedlings from last year in there. And I might just start a few other seeds in there and just see what happens...
What a cute wee greenhouse! I've never seen such a thing, but it looks awesome!
Good luck with your echinacea :-)
Whoo hoo!
Congrats and good luck with it!
Hi daharja - it is kind of cute isn't it? It's just light tubing covered with thick plastic, with a zippered front, but it wasn't very expensive and it is a good way for me to try out the whole greenhouse thing.
Hey Jerry - thanks! It is small enough that I can bring it inside over the winter, in front of some windows to start seeds in March next year. That's my plan anyway!
it's SO cute!! love it :) you're right- better late than never!
I'm going to try sprouting some herbs in there - I bought some more echinacea seeds and a couple other things to try...now all I need is a miniature potting shed! (A board on some sawhorses will work though!)
That's a nice little greenhouse. I've wondered about something like that for myself. Looking forward to reports on how it goes.
Hi Liz --It's a nice manageable size I think. I'm looking forward to putting a few seed trays in there, but I probably won't get to it until this weekend.....
That's awesome! I don't know that I've ever actually seen one like that. Glad you remembered about it and I'm sure it'll get more use in the coming years :) And on Gord's part---what a perfect gift idea for you---well done.
Hi SA - it definitely will get more use in years to come! Gord is pretty good at getting me useful yet still happy-making presents :) He has a knack for that.
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