Saturday 7 March 2009

Good news for water....

Just thought I'd share this piece of news I heard today about more and more municipalities taking a stand against the use of bottled water on their properties. Hooray! Clean safe water is a human right, not a marketable commodity available just to those who can afford it. And all that wasted plastic, most of which doesn't even get recycled.

Thank you Federation of Canadian Municipalities, for taking this bold step!

Picture courtesy watersecretsblog


Liz said...

I read about that yesterday too. Hopefully, the more coverage there is about this, the more people start to think about it. Another step in the right direction.

Theresa said...

Definitely a good step!

Anonymous said...

Terrific! I'm so glad to hear that there are places doing this. I work at a water testing laboratory and it drives me nuts when people tell me that the don't drink their water but buy bottled when they really don't have to! I try my best to spread the word to stop such nonsense as much as possible. Although bottled water does have it's purpose, time, and place, it is not in your hand when you have clean, safe drinking water available at a turn of the faucet.

Theresa said...

Our city has really good water too, and I agree that it is silly to buy bottled water under those circumstances. We need to work towards ensuring that people everywhere have safe water supplies - it is shameful how many places in Canada are still under boil water advisories. A lot of these are on native reserves and this is just appalling.

Ryan said...

Yeah, it's pretty awesome of them to do that. Calgary's water is pretty good and we definitely don't need it.

I've been trying to convince the people at my church to stop selling bottled water at concerts--seeing as how the United Church has already condemned bottled water for its negative social and environmental impacts!