One day I woke up and considered myself part of the planet instead of just living on the planet. This is what happened next.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Good News!
Earlier this week, the United Nations declared clean water and sanitation a human right! The declaration was ratified by 122 forward-thinking countries, with no countries voting against. But 41 members abstained, and you guessed it, Canada was among them.
Stephen Harper, you are a short-sighted, greedy coward. So there.
I forget the proper name, but for that mud oil that's being dug/drilled up there, it takes like 3 gallons of water for every 1 gallon of oil to get the oil. Like we really needed another reason to stop using fossil fuels...
Yes, you're absolutely right. The tar/oilsands are a lot more water intensive in their extraction, and then the tailings lakes leak into the Athabasca river as well. Nasty.
I forget the proper name, but for that mud oil that's being dug/drilled up there, it takes like 3 gallons of water for every 1 gallon of oil to get the oil. Like we really needed another reason to stop using fossil fuels...
Yes, you're absolutely right. The tar/oilsands are a lot more water intensive in their extraction, and then the tailings lakes leak into the Athabasca river as well. Nasty.
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