Take a few moments today to be mindful of the water you drink and use, and be thankful for your glass of clean tapwater. Clean safe water is a human right, not a commodity to be sold only to those who can afford it!
One day I woke up and considered myself part of the planet instead of just living on the planet. This is what happened next.
Hello, thanks for spotting by my blog and I'm glad you liked it.
Penn and Teller had an episode about bottled water that's worth checking out, too; it was really funny.
safe water is a human right. Thank you for the reminder, i had no idea what day it was!
also- i tried tai chi for the first time last night, blogged a bit about it. I thought of you :)
Hi Grace, thanks for coming by and taking the time to comment. :) I will have to look up the Penn and Teller episode - I've never heard of that!
Hi EcoY - I'm heading over to your blog right now to see what you blogged about tai chi!
We live on a world that is mostly water, yet it only gets A DAY!!!!
Why not world water YEAR??? I think it would be well deserved.
But thanks for reminding me of the importance of this resource we take so much for granted so much of the time.
There actually was a whole week of activities associated with water, but you're right, a year would be much more appropriate!
Pick up the latest edition of National Geographic. It's all about water, and well worth the read.
Thanks Adam - I will look for that edition!
We're moving to Murphy, NC in August, and we'll be building some yurts on property that we're in the middle of purchasing right now. Along with this, we'll be setting up solar panels, a compost toilet, and a rainwater catchment system. At our house right now in Bloomington, IN, we have running water, but we use it very sparingly, realizing what a precious resource it is. It'll be interesting when it won't be as easily available though, come August, but I know that my conscience will be more at ease in knowing that we're working with the earth, rather than extracting from it.
Oh, living in a yurt - wow! I daydream about that whenever I look through a Mother Earth magazine. I'm glad you posted your blog address on your other entry so I can follow you in your yurt adventure :)
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