First, SoapBox passed on a Bookworm Award to me. Thank you kindly SoapBox! The award comes with two rules:
RULE ONE, I have to grab one of the books closest to me, go to page 56, type the fifth line and the next two to five lines that follow.
Ok, of the three books sitting within arm's reach here in my 'office', I chose one called "The Simpler Life" by Deborah Deford. It was the first book on voluntary simplicity I read, and it was one of the first books to nudge me down the path of mindful living. Starting on the fifth line of page 56, the book reads as follows:
"Attempting to skimp on holiday, rest and exercise," says Fiore, "leads to suppression of the spirit and motivation as life begins to look like all spinach and no dessert."
How's that for a timely reminder of the importance of balance and stillness in life? It's neat when things coincide like that.
RULE TWO, I have to pick five people who love books and who could receive the Bookworm award with honor.
I am going to bend this rule and copy Chile's approach to memes: I encourage everyone to take a look at all the blogs in my sidebar, and stop by any you haven't already checked out. Maybe leave an encouraging comment, in the spirit of the season. In particular, check out the Blogging Bookworm, for tons of great references and reviews for 'green reads' of all kinds.
The second meme I received came from Alexah at Learning to Step Lightly. This meme comes with several rules:
- Link to Green Meme Bloggers
- Link to whoever tagged you - thanks Alexah!
- Include meme number - MEME #1
- Include these guidelines in your post - check!
- Answer the questions - see below - check!
- Tag 3 other green bloggers - I'm going to skip this, again instead asking people to check out the sidebar and stop by and comment at some of the blogs you may not have visited before.
a) My belief in the fundamental interconnection of all things
b) The "Theory of Anyway"
2) Name 2 eco-UNfriendly items you refuse to give up?
a) Right now, my car. There's no public transit to where I work and living this far away from the city meant that we could afford some land along with the house.
b) My clothes dryer. I do air/line dry some clothes, but I hate crunchy jeans and towels!
3) Are you at peace with or do you feel guilty about number 2?
a) Not too guilty, because the car is a diesel Jetta and gets 55+ mpg.
b) A bit guilty, because it is for laziness and comfort that I haven't yet given it up.
4) What are you willing to change but feel unable to/stuck with/unsure how to go about it?
A lot of the changes I'd like to try next will cost a fair amount of money (e.g., solar water heater, digging a well and plumbing it into the house, etc.) Right now it seems more important to pay down debt than to get these things done, everything except digging the well. That I would be willing to go into some short term debt for, if necessary.
5) Do you know your carbon footprint for your home? If so, is it larger/smaller than your national average? (http://www.carbonfootprint.com/calculator.aspx)
I used this calculator and our usage is slightly under the average. Being vegetarian (and nearly so in Gord's case) really helps, but all the miles I drive to work really hinders the average.
6) What's eco-frustrating and/or eco-fantastic about where you live?
a) eco-frustrating: in Alberta oil is king and talk of slowing down tarsands development is tantamount to heresy.
b) eco-fantastic: A CSA farm just 20 minutes up the road! (by car). I could bike there, but that would take some doing. Oh, and a bike.
7) Do you eat local/organic/vegetarian/forage/grow your own?
I'm a vegetarian and my husband Gord is what Steve Solomon would call a vegetabletarian - he eats mostly vegetables, most of the time. We grow some of our own food and are expanding our garden, and we joined a local organic CSA for the first time last year. We are able to forage for some of our own food on our own land too - like saskatoons, strawberries and wild herbs for tea.
8) What do you personally find the most challenging in being green?
Working full time 5 days a week and trying to find the time to fit in the planning, preparation and organization it takes to do things in a sustainable way. It's like having a foot in two worlds, and it gets tiring sometimes.
9) Do you have a green confession?
I am addicted to carrots to the degree that my skin is sort of orangy. I have stopped eating carrots 'cold turkey' for the past 2 1/2 weeks and my hands and feet are still kind of yellow. I'm hoping I'll be mostly back to normal in time for Christmas pictures, but it's seeming unlinkely at this point. Strange, hey? Oh, and I don't have a bike. Yet.
10) Do you have the support of family and/or friends?
Yes. Gord is totally supportive and even if he thinks something is far fetched he keeps an open mind. He is on board with most everything I want to do that is 'green.' He doesn't even bug me about my excess carrot-eating! My family is also supportive, and while they may not agree with everything I do or the reasons I do them, they are never judgmental.
Well, that was fun!
I hope everyone has a peaceful and restful holiday period and that we all begin 2009 with fresh hope, enthusiasm and determination. There is a lot that needs to be done to ensure that the planet and all its inhabitants are well, now and into the future, and we are just the people to do it!